
With over twenty five years of bespoke picture framing experience we design and build frames at our in-house workshop. We specialise in hand made and finished frames and offer a vast range of mouldings.

We offer a Dry Mounting service for prints, photos and posters and a choice of readymade frames for standard size images. We only use conservation standard mount card and we offer a range of UV and anti-glare glass to ensure the best protection and image.

We offer a framing service for all types of artwork, photography, posters, sporting memorabilia, medals, artefacts, clothing, rosettes and sashes. As well as working with customers who walk in through our front door our highly skilled craftsmen also work with professional artists who exhibit all over the world and our frames are used to showcase their artwork.

With thanks to Ashworth & Thompson Ltd for providing images of their range of mouldings.

Examples of our Bespoke Frames

Picture5 - 56 pc
shirt - Copy.jpg 65 pc
cards - Copy.jpg 70 pcnt
opium - Copy.jpg 85 pc
armyvest - Copy.jpg 75 percent
swans.jpg 85 pc
tironman.jpg 60pc
sandy - Copy.jpg 51pc
rhuban glas.jpg 70pc
sara.jpg 75pc
Picture1.jpg 60pc
Picture2.jpg 70 pc
soldier.jpg 80pc
hannah.jpg 100
Picture5 - 56 pc shirt - Copy.jpg 65 pc cards - Copy.jpg 70 pcnt opium - Copy.jpg 85 pc armyvest - Copy.jpg 75 percent swans.jpg 85 pc tironman.jpg 60pc sandy - Copy.jpg 51pc rhuban glas.jpg 70pc sara.jpg 75pc Picture1.jpg 60pc Picture2.jpg 70 pc soldier.jpg 80pc hannah.jpg 100 106234891_206212047207829_5839968780523158228_n