As I was born and brought up on a farm in Cemaes, within sight of Snowdonia National Park, I have always had an affinity with animals and landscape. Having drawn since the age of four, my interest in design and landscape led me to a career as a Landscape Architect.
Throughout that time I kept drawing, admittedly in an ad-hoc and inconsistent manner. Five years ago, having failed miserably to find a card featuring ‘kissing’ sheep for a sheep farming friend’s wedding, I drew one instead. Having received accolades for an ‘A’ level art pencil portrait drawing using purely dots, I thought that technique would translate well into ink, particularly for representing fur and wool. The sheep turned out quite well so I stuck them in a frame, and people went mad for it. Subsequently, I used that technique to produce numerous drawings for wedding and birthday presents, as well as pet portrait commissions. The positive feedback convinced me that I might be able to turn drawing into more than a hobby.
So black ink dots on white paper has become my drawing style. I’m gradually introducing flashes of colour, but black and white will always have paramountcy.